Meet the people behind the science!

Nitesh K Kunda, MSc, PhD

Associate Professor, St. John's University

2023 - Present     Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, St. John’s University

2018 - 2023          Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, St. John’s University

2015 – 2018 Post-doctoral Fellow, College of Pharmacy, University of New Mexico Research focus: Aerosol drug and vaccine delivery

2011 - 2014 Ph.D. in Formulation and Drug Delivery, School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK

2010 - 2011 Master’s in Drug Delivery, The London School of Pharmacy, London, UK 

2005 - 2009 Bachelor’s in Pharmacy (Honors), Birla Institute of Technology & Science-Pilani (BITS-Pilani), India


Research Interests: Current interests include the use of nanotechnology in developing therapeutics against infectious disease and cancer, synthesizing polymeric nanoparticles and attaching targeting moieties for site-specific delivery, amorphous solid dispersions, and drug and vaccine formulation for pulmonary delivery.

Dr. Kunda’s laboratory specializes in developing dry powder biologics that do not require cold-chain for storage and transport thereby decreasing the cost of biologics-based products significantly.

Other Positions:

Faculty Advisor, AAPS Student Chapter

Member, PHS Graduate Education and Policy Committee, Industrial Pharmacy

Member, AACP Research and Graduate Affairs Standing Committee 2021-2022 and 2023-2024

Member, AAPS National Biotechnology Conference Scientific Programming Committee 2023-2024

Current Students

Suyash Patil

PhD StudentEmail

Druva Sarika Barji

PhD StudentEmail

Vasudha Prithipaul

PhD StudentEmail

Apoorva Daram

PhD StudentEmail

Alec Diorio

PhD StudentEmail

Parasharamulu Kommarajula

PhD StudentEmail

Yuxing Guo

PhD StudentEmail

Ruginn Catarata 

Research Assistant/Lab TechnicianEmail

Shruti Gajul

MS StudentEmail

Peter Astriab

MS StudentEmail

Mazal Malayev

BMS Undergraduate StudentEmail

Laura Pham

PharmD StudentEmail

Lab Alumni

Lab Alumni (Working)

Suyash Patil

PhD (2019-2023)Scientist II, Formulation and Process DevelopmentThermoFisher, Ohio